NIBLL Standard Operating and Food Handling Procedure (SOP) and Good Manufacturing Procedures (GMP)

Covid-19 Amended

This Revised NIBLL SOP and GMP have been amended and updated in accordance with the World
Health Organization, CDC, USDA, State of California, and Local Health Department guidelines for
front line workers and food service.

The following resources have been used to guide and implement NIBLL’s SOP, GMP, and daily
food service practices to ensure the most up-to-date information regarding consumer safety as it
relates to Covid-19 food safety. prevention-and-control and%20disinfection_COVID-19_Flyer_040220.pdf afety_COVID-19_Flyer_040120.pdf garding-nutrition-labeling-standard-menu-items-chain-restaurants-and-similar

Our menus include the following Ready-to-Eat and Time/Temperature Control for Safety Food:

  1. Poultry, egg, fish, and seafood

  2. Beef and pork products

  3. Fresh and cooked vegetables

  4. Fresh fruit

  5. Baked goods

  6. Salads

  7. Dressings and sauces

  8. Grains and pastas

NIBLL Catering Standard Operating Procedure and Food Handling Plan- Covid19
Last Update 05/15/2020

During the Covid-19 pandemic or until the CDC and WHO and state and local governance
modify restrictions, NIBLL catered meals will be provided in the following formats only:

  1. PPE protected buffet lines using to-go containers served by NIBLL Chefs and servers. No

  2. Self-serve hot and chilled pre-portioned prepared meals in film sealed containers

The following procedures have been established and implemented across all of our production
facilities and our satellite client locations to ensure food safety, food quality, and adherence to
local and federal health and food safety regulations.

All employees that handle food in our facilities and or on-site at client locations have been
trained on all standard operating procedures, good manufacturing procedures, and new
Covid-19 guidleines. All employees that handle food meets all requirements for food safety, and
have been certified as a food handler in their respective state. Certifications can be reviewed
upon request.

Standard Operating Procedure #1: Personal Health, Cleanliness & Hygiene and
Use of Personal Protective Equipment PPE
According to this policy, each NIBLL employee who handles or serves food is required to:

  1. Submit test results showing negative to Coronavirus

  2. Alert supervisor within 2 hours of shift start if employee or anyone in their household has

    a fever, body aches, or flu-like symptoms.

  3. Participate in daily temperature testing and questionnaires by management to ensure

    employee does not have a fever, cough or symptoms of Coronanvirus and have not

    been exposed to anyone with symptoms.

  4. Report information about their personal health and activities as they relate to diseases

    that are transmissible through food and or the preparing and or serving of food. An
    NIBLL food preparation or service employee shall report the information in a manner that
    allows the person in charge to reduce the risk of foodborne disease transmission and
    service disease transmission, including providing necessary additional information, such
    as the date of onset of symptoms and illness in self and or family members, or of a
    diagnosis without symptoms if the food service employee has any of the following

    1. Vomiting

    2. Diarrhea

    3. Jaundice

    4. Sore throat with fever

    5. Lesions containing pus

    6. Persistent cough

    7. Shortness of breath or trouble breathing

    8. Persistent fever

NIBLL Catering Standard Operating Procedure and Food Handling Plan- Covid19
Last Update 05/15/2020

  1. Runny Nose or watery, itchy eyes not related to seasonal allergies

  2. Has an illness diagnosed by a health practitioner due to:

    1. Coronavirus

    2. Norovirus

    3. Hepatitis A virus

    4. Shigella spp.

    5. Enterohemorrhagic or Shiga Toxin-Producing Escherichia Coli

    6. Salmonella Typhi, or Salmonella spp.

  3. Has been exposed to family member or close contact testing positive for

5. Use of PPE/ Personal Protective Equipment and Authorized Clothing:

  1. Report to work in clean outer clothing to prevent contamination of food,

    equipment, utensils, linens, single-service use items. Closed-toe shoes must be


  2. Wear clean and sanitized NIBLL provided uniform and apron and change it when it

    becomes soiled.

  3. Wear clean and sanitized NIBLL provided uniform only while at work in food

    service areas.

  4. Remove clean and sanitized NIBLL provided uniform and apron before leaving

    sanitized kitchen area, using the restroom or going on break.

  5. At all times, wear PPE protective face shield, face mask, hairnets, hats, scarves,

    beard nets or other designated hair restraints that are designed and worn to

    effectively keep food preparation and food service areas clean and sanitized.

  6. Wear NIBLL provided kitchen safe/ slip resistant shoes in sanitized food

    preparation areas.

  7. NIBLL provided uniform, face protection and shoes are to be kept on premises at

    all times and are not allowed to leave the facilities.

  8. Disposable single-use gloves are to be worn at all times in food preparation and

    service areas, keeping hands and exposed portions of arms clean and sanitized

at all times.
fingernails trimmed, filed, and maintained so that the edges and surfaces are

6. Keep
cleanable and not rough. No nail polish is allowed.

  1. Limit jewelry on arms or hands to a plain-banded ring only. Bracelets and other jewelry
    on arms and hands are not worn when preparing food. Medical alert identification tags
    are permitted as necklaces.

  2. Store personal clothing and personal items in designated location(s) so these items are
    kept away from food-handling and storage areas. Change clothes only in designated
    room or area, as specified by the supervisor.

  3. Treat and bandage any cut, abrasion, or burn that has broken the skin immediately. Any
    cuts, wounds or open sores on hands must be completely covered by waterproof
    bandage. When hands or fingers are bandaged, single-use gloves must be worn.
    Change disposable gloves as often as hand washing is required. Wash hands after
    discarding gloves.

NIBLL Catering Standard Operating Procedure and Food Handling Plan- Covid19
Last Update 05/15/2020

10. Social Distancing
a. Distancing guidelines of minimum 6 feet distance between employees is

maintained at all times in food preparation and service areas with designated

distancing marked on floors of food preparation areas with red reflective tape.

  1. Eating, drinking, or chewing gum are not allowed in food preparation or service areas.

    Eating and drinking is only allowed in designated break areas where the contamination
    of exposed food, clean equipment, utensils, and linens; unwrapped single-service and
    single-use articles; or other items needing protection cannot results. Employees may
    only drink from a single-use disposable cup provided by the drinking fountain in the
    designated break area.

  2. Smoking is not allowed in any NIBLL facility. Employees must refrain from use of any
    tobacco products before or during any work shift.

  3. Tasting food(s) using the following procedures:

    1. Place a small amount of food into a separate sample container that is removed

      from the preparation and or service area and sampled in designated break area.

    2. Use a disposable teaspoon to taste the food. Remove the used teaspoon and

      container to the dishwashing area and discard. The soiled teaspoon shall not be

      reused for tasting unless washed, rinsed and sanitized.

    3. Wash hands immediately.

14. Kitchen Access and Traffic Patterns
Access and traffic patterns inside our facilities control the movement of employees,
visitors, products, ingredients, and packaging materials to reduce cross contamination.
The following are the rules covering procedures for visitors’ and employees’ movements
throughout the facility.

  1. Visitors, suppliers, contractors, etc. must read the facility’s visitors’ policy and
    sign the visitors’ log book before they are allowed in the facility.

  2. Employees must follow the facility traffic pattern rules and follow the rules for
    moving products (ex: cooked, raw, non-allergenic, waste, chemicals, etc.)

  3. Employees and visitors must use the 24th st entrance and exit

Corrective Action:

  1. Employees or others who are not in compliance will be asked to review the SOP. The
    incident will be reported to the supervisor.

  2. Immediately exclude or restrict employee per conditions described in item 1 above.

  3. Any affected food will be discarded.

  4. The environmental health specialist will be contacted to obtain assistance, if needed.

  5. Any potential exposure to Coronavirus will be reported to local health department,

    potentially affected NIBLL employees and clients.

NIBLL Catering Standard Operating Procedure and Food Handling Plan- Covid19
Last Update 05/15/2020

Standard Operating Procedure #2: Hand-washing

NIBLL food service employees or other individuals that prepare and/or serve food receive training
on hand-washing. SOP Guidelines:

  1. Designated handwashing sinks are used for handwashing only.

  2. Food preparation, utility, and dishwashing sinks are not used for hand washing.

  3. Hand washing sinks are supplied with warm running water, soap, hand sanitizer, and

    single-use paper towels.

  4. NIBLL provides a hands-free waste container at each handwashing sink.

  5. Hand washing sinks are accessible anytime employees, volunteers, and student workers

    are present.

  6. Hand-washing is required:

    1. Before starting work.

    2. Immediately before engaging in food preparation including working with exposed

      food, clean equipment and utensils, and unwrapped single-service and

      single-use items

    3. As often as necessary during food preparation to remove soil and contamination

      and to prevent cross contamination when changing tasks

    4. Before putting on or changing gloves for working with food

    5. Wash and dry hands before putting on gloves and after discarding gloves

    6. After using the restroom

    7. After sneezing, coughing, or using a handkerchief or disposable tissue, using

      tobacco, eating or drinking

    8. After touching hair, face, or body

    9. When changing tasks – of special concern is switching from working with raw

      food and working with ready-to-eat food

    10. After any clean up activity such as sweeping, mopping, or wiping counters

    11. After touching soiled dishes, equipment, or utensils, trash, chemicals

Corrective Action:

  1. Employees and others observed not washing their hands at appropriate times or using
    improper procedure will be asked to wash their hands.

  2. Need for retraining will be evaluated and provided.

Standard Operating Procedure #3 – Handling FoodsNo Bare Hand Contact

  1. Bare hands contact is not permitted when handling foods at any time.

  2. Suitable utensils/supplies are used when handling food include: Single-use gloves, Deli

    tissue or foil wrap, Tongs, spoodles, spoons, and spatulas

  3. Use gloves for mixing foods, deli sandwich assembly, prep work, vegetable handling,

    covering non-infected hand abrasions and any rashes on hand or forearms.

  4. Wash and dry hands before putting on gloves and after discarding gloves

NIBLL Catering Standard Operating Procedure and Food Handling Plan- Covid19
Last Update 05/15/2020

Corrective Action:

  1. Employees involved in food preparation and service observed not following proper
    procedures will be instructed to review the procedures in the food safety plan.

  2. Any food items that have been contaminated by bare hand contact will be discarded.

  3. Re-training will be provided, when necessary.

Standard Operating Procedure #4: Using Food Thermometers to Maintain Food
All NIBLL food service employees receive training on the proper procedures for using and
calibrating thermometers used to take internal temperature of food.

  1. Appropriate food thermometers, those that measure temperatures from 0 oF (-18 oC) to
    220 oF (104 oC) are available in all NIBLL kitchens at all times. Food thermometers are in
    easy access to foodservice employees during all hours of operation. Several
    thermometers are available in case of breakage, loss, damage, and for multiple use.

  2. Thermometers are cleaned and sanitized after each use by washing probe of
    thermometer by hand with warm, soapy water.

  3. Sanitizing probe of thermometer with sanitizing solution approved for food contact
    surfaces or with alcohol swab.

  4. Air drying thermometer to minimize the risk of re-contamination.

  5. Store food thermometers in an area that is clean and where they are not subject to

    contamination or frequent jostling.

Corrective Action:

  1. NIBLL Kitchen Manager will visually observe that thermometers are being used and
    calibrated correctly during all hours of operation.

  2. Retrain any foodservice employee found not following the procedures in this SOP.

Standard Operating Procedure #5 – Receiving Deliveries

  1. Kitchen Manager or Person in charge who accepts items is informed about receiving

  2. Delivery time negotiated with supplier allows for items to be checked in and/or to set up
    an alternate check in procedure with the delivery person.

  3. Verification is obtained to ensure that the driver monitors the interior temperature of
    refrigerated trucks.

  4. A rejection policy has been established to ensure accurate, timely, consistent, and
    effective refusal/return of rejected goods. Items that are rejected are noted on invoice or
    packing slip.

  5. All shipments are received into designated Receiving area and properly sanitized before
    moving supplies and product into sanitary designated locations.

NIBLL Catering Standard Operating Procedure and Food Handling Plan- Covid19
Last Update 05/15/2020

  1. Sufficient space is provided in the freezer, refrigeration, dry store areas, and receiving
    areas in anticipation of a delivery to facilitate storage of food items in a timely manner.

  2. Tools needed to check in deliveries are kept in specific location near the receiving area.
    These tools include: invoice or purchase orders, sanitation log, temperature logs,
    calibrated thermometers, quats sanitizing spray and wipes, gloves, face masks, pens,
    flashlights, and clean loading carts.

  3. No cardboard boxes or unsanitized packaging is allowed in freezer, walk-ins, dry
    storage, or food preparation area. All deliveries are sanitized and re-packaged into
    sanitized lexans for storage.

  4. FIFO has been established and used so items are rotated on first-in, first-out basis.

  5. Delivery invoices are compared with product order records and inconsistencies are

    brought to the attention of the driver and/or vendor representative.

  6. Delivery invoice are compared with actual products that are dropped off and

    inconsistencies are brought to the attention of the driver and/or vendor representative.

  7. Procedures are in place to verify that:

    1. Crates and other shipping containers are clean and sanitized. All food containers
      have been properly sanitized

    2. Refrigerated foods (such as dairy) are delivered on a refrigerated truck.

    3. Frozen food are frozen solid, and do not show signs of thawing and refreezing.

    4. Products are within the “use by” date, if found on the package.

    5. Food packaging is intact. There are no rips, dents, or leakage.

    6. Cans are not dented, leaking, swollen, rusted or have flawed seams.

13. Once
locations as quickly as possible.

sanitized and checked-in, foods are transferred to their appropriate storage


Reject the following:

  1. Frozen foods with signs of thawing

  2. Refrigerated foods that are at an internal temperature above 41°F.

  3. Cans that have signs of deterioration – swollen sides or ends, flawed seals or seams,

    dents, or rust

  4. Punctured or damaged packages.

  5. Product without proper labels

  6. Use by dates that have passed

NIBLL Catering Standard Operating Procedure and Food Handling Plan- Covid19
Last Update 05/15/2020

Standard Operating Procedure #6: Storing Food

NIBLL employees will be receiving and storing food maintain the storage areas, including dry,
refrigerated and freezer storage, by following these steps:

Storage Upon Receiving:



3. Dry foods


Corrective Action:

  1. Discard any potentially (Time/Temperature Control for Safety Food) stored at conditions
    that render the product unsafe to eat.

  2. Re-train employees.

Standard Operating Procedure #7: Temperature Control/ Monitoring:

  1. NIBLL Kitchen Manager checks the temperatures of all refrigerators, freezers, and dry
    storerooms at the beginning of each shift. This includes both internal and external
    thermometers, where appropriate.

    1. Refrigerator temperatures should be between 36 and 41oF.

    2. Freezer temperatures should be between -10 and 0oF.

    3. Dry storage temperatures should be between 50 and 70oF.

  2. NIBLL Kitchen Manager records cold storage unit temperatures on Daily Temperature

  3. Notify designated person immediately of any unacceptable temperatures.

NIBLL Catering Standard Operating Procedure and Food Handling Plan- Covid19
Last Update 05/15/2020

Sanitize all received containers. Place foods in the proper storage area (refrigerator or
freezer) quickly to avoid bacterial growth.

  1. 41°F or lower – refrigerator temperatures

  2. 0°F or below – freezer temperatures

  3. 50° to 70°F at 50 to 60% humidity – dry storage temperature

Refrigerated foods: Store foods in designated refrigerators. If food products are stored
together in a refrigerator, they should be placed on shelves in the following order:


Prepared or ready-to-eat foods (top shelf)
Fish and seafood items
Whole cuts of raw beef
Whole cuts of raw pork

Ground or processed meats

Raw poultry (bottom shelf)
and Freezer:

Keep all food items on shelves that are at least 6” above the floor to facilitate air
circulation and proper cleaning.
Use First In First Out (FIFO) rotation of products in all storage areas.
Make sure items are dated with receiving date and/or use-by date.

Store food in original container if the container is clean, dry, and intact. If
necessary, repackage food in clean, well-labeled, airtight containers.

  1. Limit overloading refrigerated storage areas, as this prevents air flow and makes the unit
    work harder to stay cold.

  2. Use caution when cooling hot food in the refrigerator, as this warms the unit and can put
    other foods into the temperature danger zone.

Corrective Action:

  1. Discard any potentially (Time/Temperature Control for Safety Food) stored at conditions
    that render the product unsafe to eat.

  2. Re-train employees

Standard Operating Procedure #8: Washing and Handling Fresh Fruits/Vegetables
NIBLL food service employees who prepare or serve food are trained how to properly wash and
store fresh fruits and vegetables.(Note if packaged fruits and vegetables are labeled as being
previously washed and ready-to-eat are not required to be washed.)

  1. No unsanitized produce and or produce boxes allowed in food preparation area.
    Produce must be in sanitized lexans to enter food preparation areas.

  2. Wash hands using the proper procedure. Refer to “Hand-washing” SOP.

  3. Wear gloves and face mask at all times.

  4. Wash, rinse, sanitize, and air-dry all food-contact surfaces, equipment, and utensils that

    will be in contact with washed produce, such as cutting boards, knives, and sinks.

  5. Use disposable gloves to prevent bare hand contact with fresh fruits and vegetables that

    will not be cooked. Refer to “No Bare Hand Contact When Handling Ready-to-Eat

    Foods” SOP.

  6. Wash all raw fruits and vegetables thoroughly under cold running water before

    combining with other ingredients, including:

    1. Unpeeled fresh fruit and vegetables that are served whole or cut into pieces.

    2. Fruits and vegetables that are peeled and cut to use in cooking or served


  7. Remove any damaged or bruised areas.

  8. Label, date, and refrigerate fresh-cut fruits and vegetables.

Corrective Action:

  1. Re-wash items that will were not properly cleaned or if any ready-to-eat items were
    touched with bare hands.

  2. Re-train employees as necessary.

NIBLL Catering Standard Operating Procedure and Food Handling Plan- Covid19
Last Update 05/15/2020

Standard Operating Procedure #9: Thawing Time/Temperature Control for Safety
NIBLL employees thawing foods will use one of four acceptable methods for thawing
time/temperature control for safety food:

  1. Thaw foods in the refrigerator at 41°F or below. NEVER thaw foods at room

  2. Thaw foods needed for immediate service under potable running water at 70°F or lower.
    Prepare the product within 4 hours of thawing.

  3. Thaw the product in the microwave if product will be cooked immediately.

  4. Use the lowest shelf in the cooler for thawing raw meat to prevent cross contamination

    and separate raw products from cooked and ready-to-eat products. Do not refreeze
    thawed foods, unless they are first cooked or processed.

Corrective Action:

1. Discard any product that is improperly thawed and any ready-to-eat food items that are
contaminated during thawing process.

Standard Operating Procedure #10: Controlling Time and Temperature During
NIBLL food service employees receive training on the proper procedures for controlling time and
temperature during preparation.

  1. Clean, sanitized, and calibrated probe thermometer is used to take temperatures during
    preparation. Refer to the “Using and Calibrating Food Thermometers” SOP

  2. Wash hands prior to preparing foods. Refer to the “Hand-washing” SOP.

  3. Gloves and Face mask/protection to be worn at all times.

  4. Use clean and sanitized equipment and utensils while preparing food.

  5. Separate raw foods from ready-to-eat foods by keeping them in separate containers until

    ready to use and by using separate dispensing utensils.

  6. Pre-chill ingredients for cold foods, such as sandwiches, salads, and cut melons, to 41

    oF or below before combining with other ingredients.

  7. Thaw food items following proper procedures. Refer to “Thawing Time & Temperature

    Control Food” SOP

  8. Prepare foods as close to serving times as the menu will allow.

  9. Prepare food in batch amounts to limit the time for preparation of any batches of food so

    that ingredients are not at room temperature for more than 30 minutes before cooking,

    serving, or being returned to the refrigerator.

  10. Limit the total, combined time that food is allowed to be in the temperature danger zone

    to 4 hours.

  11. If time & temperature control/potentially hazardous foods are not served immediately

    after preparation, quickly chill. Refer to the “Cooling Time/Temperature Control for
    Safety Food SOP

NIBLL Catering Standard Operating Procedure and Food Handling Plan- Covid19
Last Update 05/15/2020

12. Reheat Time/Temperature Control for Safety Food to 165 degrees F. if an item is heated
and then cooled. Refer to “Reheating Time/Temperature Control for Safety Food –
Leftovers/Items Prepared On Prior Day” SOP

Corrective Action:

  1. Discard any product that has been temperature abused to ensure food quality and

  2. Provide necessary training if employees are not following proper procedures to control
    time and temperature.

Standard Operating Procedure #11: Preventing Cross-Contamination During
Storage and Preparation
NIBLL food service employees receive instructions on procedures to prevent cross-contamination
during storage and preparation.

  1. Distancing guidelines of minimum 6 feet distance between employees is maintained at
    all times in food preparation and service areas.

  2. Hands and arms are properly cleaned. Refer to “Hand-washing” SOP

  3. Disposable gloves and face mask/protection to be worn at all times.

  4. No bare hand contact with ready-to-eat food is permitted. Refer to “No Bare Hand

    Contact When Handling Ready-to-Eat Foods/Glove Use” SOP

  5. Raw animal foods is kept separate from ready-to-eat foods during receiving, storage,

    and preparation. Eggs, fish, meat, and poultry are not stored on shelves above lettuce,

    cut melons and luncheon meats in the cooler.

  6. Different types of raw animal foods, such as eggs, fish, meat, and poultry are stored

    separately to prevent cross-contamination, except when combined in recipes.

  7. Raw animal foods stored in refrigerators or walk-in coolers are placed on shelves in

    order of cooking temperatures with the raw animal food requiring the highest cooking

    temperature on the lowest shelf. For example, raw chicken is stored below ground beef.

  8. Unwashed fruits and vegetables are not co-mingled with washed fruits and vegetables

    and other ready-to-eat foods.

  9. Dry, cleaned, and sanitized equipment and utensils are used. Refer to instructions in the

    “Cleaning and Sanitizing Food Contact Surfaces” SOP

  10. Knives, pans, cutting boards, utensils and other food contact surfaces are cleaned and

    sanitized after using them for raw products. Only the surfaces of equipment and utensils

    that do not come in direct contact with ready-to- eat food are touched by bare hands.

  11. Food items are stored in covered containers or packages, except during quick cool down

    stage of cooling when placed in refrigeration units.

  12. A specific upper shelf of a refrigerator or walk-in cooler is designated as the “cooling”

    shelf to minimize contamination. Containers of food are left uncovered only during the
    initial quick cool-down phase to facilitate cooling.

NIBLL Catering Standard Operating Procedure and Food Handling Plan- Covid19
Last Update 05/15/2020

Corrective Action:

  1. Foods have been contaminated during storage and preparation will be discarded.

  2. Re-train employee

Standard Operating Procedure #12:Date Marking

An established date marking system is in place at all NIBLL facilities and employees are trained

  1. Ready-to-eat time/temperature control for safety foods prepared on-site are labeled.

  2. Any processed, ready-to-eat, time/temperature control for safety food are labeled when


  3. All ready-to-eat, time/temperature control for safety food are refrigerated at 41o F or


  4. Refrigerated, ready-to-eat, time/temperature control for safety food are served or

    discarded within 7 days. The 7-day time period is calculated by counting only the days

    the food is under refrigeration.

  5. A separate label is used to indicate: (1) the date prepared, (2) the date frozen, and (3)

    the date thawed for any refrigerated, ready-to-eat, time/temperature control for safety

Corrective Action:

1. Foods that are not date marked or that exceed the 7-day time period will be discarded

Standard Operating Procedure #13: Cooking Time/Temperature Control for Safety

  1. NIBLL food service employees who prepare or serve food know how to use food
    thermometer and cook foods using this procedure.

  2. When a recipe contains a combination of meat products, the product will be cooked to
    the highest required temperature.

  3. Products will be heated to the following temperatures as noted on the temperature chart
    and/or listed below:


    1. 135 F. for 15 seconds- Heated fruits or vegetables for hot holding


    2. 145 F. for 15 seconds – Seafood, beef, pork roasts, eggs cooked to order


    3. 155 F. for 15 seconds- Ground meat products , raw pork, ham and sausage,

  4. At least two internal temperatures are taken from each batch of food by inserting the
    thermometer into the thickest part of the product (usually the center).

NIBLL Catering Standard Operating Procedure and Food Handling Plan- Covid19
Last Update 05/15/2020

complex egg dishes

d. 165 F. for 15 seconds- Raw or ground poultry, leftover potentially hazardous
foods, complex food items prepared on prior days

5. At least two internal temperatures are taken of each large food item, such as a turkey, to
ensure that all parts of the product reach the required cooking temperature.

Corrective Action:

  1. Continue cooking food until the internal temperature reaches the required temperature.

  2. Modify the cooking process to achieve the correct time and temperature.

Standard Operating Procedure #14: Holding Catering Food
Time/Temperature Control for Safety Food
NIBLL food service employees who prepare or serve food are trained about proper hot and cold
holding procedures. Include in the training a discussion of the temperature danger zone:

  1. Hold cold foods at 41 oF or below.

  2. Hold hot foods at 135 oF or above.

  3. Steam tables, chafers and hot holding units are pre-heated.

  4. A clean, sanitized, and calibrated probe thermometer is used to measure the

    temperature of the food prior to placing in storage units. Temperature of holding units is
    determined by placing a calibrated thermometer in the coolest part of a hot holding unit
    or warmest part of a cold holding unit.

For cold foods held for service:

  1. The internal temperature of the food is taken before placing it into any walk-in cooler or

    reach-in cold holding unit.

  2. Food is chilled in accordance with the “Cooling Time/Temperature Control for Safety

    Food” SOP (#26) if the food is not 41 F or below.


  3. Air temperature of any cold holding unit is verified so these items are held at 41 F or

    below before use and at regular intervals during hours of operation.

For hot foods held for service:

  1. The air/water temperature of any unit is verified to ensure food is held at 135 oF or above

    before use.

  2. Food is reheated in accordance with the “Reheating Time/Temperature Control for

    Safety Food – Leftovers/Items Prepared Prior Day” SOP.

  3. The temperature of heated Time/Temperature Control for Safety Food items are

    checked to ensure the items are at 135 oF or above before placing the food out for

    display or service.

  4. The internal temperature of food items are taken before placement on a steam table or in

    a hot holding unit and checked at least every 2 hours thereafter, if applicable.

Monitoring and Record Keeping:

NIBLL food service employees will record temperatures of food items and document corrective
actions taken on the Catering Delivery Procedure Log used for recording temperatures. A

NIBLL Catering Standard Operating Procedure and Food Handling Plan- Covid19
Last Update 05/15/2020

designated food service employee/volunteer will record air temperatures of coolers and cold
holding units on the refrigeration logs. The person in charge will verify that food service
employees have taken the required holding temperatures by visually monitoring food service
employees/volunteers and reviewing the temperature logs.

Corrective Action:

For hot foods:

  1. Reheat to 165 oF for 20 seconds when the temperature is found to be below 135 oF and

    the last temperature measurement, taken within the last 2 hours, was 135 oF or higher.

  2. Repair or reset holding equipment before returning the food to the unit, if applicable.

  3. Discard the food if it cannot be determined how long the food temperature was below

    135 oF.

For cold foods: Rapidly chill the food using an appropriate cooling method if the temperature is
found to be above 41 oF and the last temperature measurement, taken within the last 2 hours,
was 41 oF or below:

  1. Place food in shallow containers (no more than 4 inches deep) and uncovered on the top
    shelf in the back of the walk-in or reach-in cooler.

  2. Stir the food in a container placed in an ice water bath.

  3. Add ice as an ingredient.

  4. Separate food into smaller or thinner portions.

  5. Repair or reset holding equipment before returning the food to the unit, if applicable.

  6. Discard the food if it cannot be determined how long the food temperature was above 41


Standard Operating Procedure #15: Transporting Food to Satellite Catering/Event
NIBLL food service employees are trained on the proper procedures to use when transporting
food to satellite serving locations:

  1. All NIBLL employees transporting food to satellite catering locations must wear Personal
    Protective Equipment (PPE) including face mask, protective shield, disposable gloves
    and issued NIBLL uniform at all times during transport

  2. All food is transported in a sanitized NIBLL vehicle only. Daily sanitation log is kept for all
    vehicle sanitation.

  3. Keeping frozen foods in frozen state during transport.

  4. Maintaining the temperature of refrigerated, potentially hazardous foods at 41 oF or

    below and maintaining the temperature of heated foods transported hot at 135 oF or


  5. Using food carriers approved by the National Sanitation Foundation International for

    transporting food. Containers must be:

    1. Rigid and sectioned so that foods do not mix

    2. Tightly closed to retain the proper food temperature

NIBLL Catering Standard Operating Procedure and Food Handling Plan- Covid19
Last Update 05/15/2020

c. Nonporous to avoid leakage

  1. Easy-to-clean or disposable

  2. Approved to hold food

6. Proper procedures are followed prior to placing food in transport carriers. These
procedures include:

  1. NIBLL transport containers are not to touch the ground or unknown surfaces
    during transit. Only use of NIBLL transport vehicles and equipment is allowed.

  2. Ensuring that all outside surfaces of the food carriers are clean and sanitized.

  3. Washing, rinsing, and sanitizing the interior surfaces.

  4. Placing a calibrated stem thermometer in the warmest part of the carrier if used

    for transporting cold food, or the coolest part of the carrier if used for transporting

    hot food. Refer to the “Using and Calibrating Food Thermometers” SOP.

  5. Pre-heating or pre-chilling the food carrier, when applicable.

  6. Food carriers are loaded into a clean transport vehicle immediately prior to

    departure and delivered as soon as possible to the serving sites.

  7. “Receiving Deliveries” SOP are followed when food arrives at the serving site.

Monitoring and Record keeping:

Check the internal temperatures of food using a calibrated thermometer before placing it into the
food carrier. Refer to the “Holding Time/Temperature Control for Safety Food” SOP for the
proper procedures to follow when taking holding temperatures. Record the temperature on the
Catering Delivery Procedure Log.

Upon receipt of food at satellite, serving personnel will record receiving temperatures on the
Catering Delivery Procedure Log.

Corrective Action:

  1. Retrain any foodservice employee that do not follow the procedures in this SOP.

  2. Reheat potentially hazardous foods to 165 oF for 20 seconds if the internal temperature
    of hot food is less than 135 oF and the food will be held for more than 2 hours. Refer to

    the “Reheating Time/Temperature Control for Food Safety Food” SOP.

  3. Discard foods that are held in the danger zone for 4 hours or more.

Standard Operating Procedure #16: Serving Food

NIBLL food service employees are trained on the proper service of food to ensure the safety and
health of our clients and fellow employees:

  1. Distancing guidelines of minimum 6 feet distance between employees is maintained at
    all times in service areas.

  2. Red floor markers are established on the floor at all service lines to guide clients to
    maintain proper social distancing during meal service.

  3. All food is to be served behind protective sneeze guard by a NIBLL employee. No clients
    are allowed to touch any food and or serving utensils.

  4. Hands are washed prior to meal service. Refer to the hand washing SOP.

NIBLL Catering Standard Operating Procedure and Food Handling Plan- Covid19
Last Update 05/15/2020

  1. All NIBLL employees serving food at satellite catering locations must wear Personal
    Protective Equipment (PPE) including face mask, protective shield, disposable gloves
    and issued NIBLL uniform at all times during service.

    1. Disposable gloves are used at all times to prevent bare hand contact with
      ready-to-eat foods. Refer to “No Bare Hand Contact When Handling
      Ready-to-Eat Foods/Glove Use” SOP.

    2. Hands are washed before putting on disposable gloves, each time the gloves are
      changed, when changing tasks, and before serving food with utensils. Refer to
      the “Hand-washing” SOP.

    3. Face mask and protective shields are to be worn at all times.

  2. Food contact surfaces of trays, plates, cups and eating utensil are protected from

    contamination when carried to and placed on serving line.

  3. Time/Temperature Control for Safety Food are held at the proper temperature. Refer to

    SOP .

  4. Food is served with clean and sanitized utensils or by using hands covered with clean,

    disposable gloves.

  5. Food is served in disposable to-go containers with lid so food can be covered and

    protracted at all times.

  6. Disposable forks and utensils and Napkins are single-serve and wrapped and set out for

    self-service by customers in proper dispenser.

  7. All surfaces are sanitized every 30 minutes using quats sanitizer

  8. No Leftover are to remain at client location.

  9. All garbage and recycling is removed from client location.

Corrective Action:

  1. Retrain any foodservice employee who do not follow the procedures in this SOP.

  2. Replace improperly handled trays and eating utensils. Wash, rinse, sanitize and air-dry if

    multi-use type. Discard single use type.

  3. Discard ready-to-eat food that has been touched with bare hands.

Standard Operating Procedure #17: Preventing Cross-Contamination Served
Catered Buffet /Food Bars
NIBLL foodservice employees receive instructions for proper procedures used to prevent
cross-contamination at catered buffet and food bars:

  1. Distancing guidelines of minimum 6 feet distance between employees is maintained at
    all times in food preparation and service areas.

  2. All NIBLL employees serving food at satellite catering locations must wear Personal
    Protective Equipment (PPE) including face mask, protective shield, disposable gloves
    and issued NIBLL uniform at all times during service.

a. Disposable gloves are used at all times to prevent bare hand contact with
ready-to-eat foods. Refer to “No Bare Hand Contact When Handling
Ready-to-Eat Foods/Glove Use” SOP.

NIBLL Catering Standard Operating Procedure and Food Handling Plan- Covid19
Last Update 05/15/2020

  1. Hands are washed before putting on disposable gloves, each time the gloves are
    changed, when changing tasks, and before serving food with utensils. Refer to
    the “Hand-washing” SOP.

  2. Face mask and protective shields are to be worn at all times. Disposable gloves and protective face masks and shields are worn by NIBLL.
  3. service team at all times.

  4. Adhere to “Hand-washing” SOP and “Food Service Employee Health, Personal

    Cleanliness & Hygiene Practices” SOP.

  1. All food is to be served behind protective sneeze guard by a NIBLL employee. All food is

    served by trained NIBLL service providers. No self-service allowed.

  2. When replenishing the food bar, the existing containers of food is replaced with new

    containers. Food from the existing container is not added to the new container of food.

  3. The serving utensil is replaced with one that has been cleaned and sanitized.

  4. Food is served in disposable to-go containers only with lid so food can be covered and

    protracted at all times.

  5. A clean to-go container is provided when customers are allowed to return to the food bar

    or buffet line for additional items.

  6. Signage is posted informing customers of about this requirement.

  7. Buffet bars and serving lines are clean and neat to avoid cross-contamination between

    food items.

  8. Wiping cloths are stored in quats sanitizing solution to wipe up food spills.

  9. All surfaces are sanitized every 30 minutes using quats sanitizer

  10. Food service bars and buffet areas are supervised at all times by designated employee

    or volunteers while in operation.

  11. No leftovers are to remain at client site

  12. All garbage and recycling is removed from client location.

Corrective Action:

  1. Retrain any foodservice employee found not following the procedures in this SOP.

  2. Discard potentially hazardous food items that are not at correct temperature if the time

    the item is removed from temperature control is not recorded.

  3. Discard any food items contaminated by bare hand contact; coughing, spitting or

    sneezing on food; foreign objects placed in food containers.

  4. Demonstrate to customers how to use serving utensils and follow other proper self-serve


Standard Operating Procedure #18: Allergens

NIBLL Kitchen Managers and all other persons in charge understand and train employees about
the eight major food allergens (milk, eggs, fish, crustacean shellfish, wheat, tree nuts, peanuts,
soybeans) and common food allergic reactions. The person in charge and other food service
staff, have access to a list of known food allergies at each client.

NIBLL Catering Standard Operating Procedure and Food Handling Plan- Covid19
Last Update 05/15/2020

In addition, training is provided to foodservice employees on allergic reactions, emergency plans
in the event of a reaction, label reading, use of standardized recipes and other aspects of this
standard operating procedure.

  1. Only non-latex gloves, single use type gloves will be purchased for food preparation and
    clean up.

  2. Allergen specific tools and equipment is used to avoid cross-contamination

  3. A separate, enclosed allergen food prep area is designated in each NIBLL kitchen where

    foods containing the eight major allergens are prepared separately to avoid cross


  4. Labels are used to determine what products contain allergens or manufactured on

    equipment that processes products with allergens.

  5. Labels will be re-checked during receiving to determine if there are modified ingredients

    or a notice that a product may contain certain allergens.

  6. Standardized recipes will also be maintained and updated for changes. Food service

    staff will be instructed not to alter recipe without authorization.

  7. All on-site catering menus and signage is clearly labelled with all allergen notifications

  8. On-site food service employees are alerted to any and all allergies and food related

    health issues prior to all catering events.

Corrective Action:

  1. Retrain any foodservice employee found not following this SOP.

  2. Fix menus and signage to properly identifying allergens

  3. Discard or appropriately label any food item that has or could have been contaminated

    with allergens so it is not served to a client with specific food allergies.

Standard Operating Procedure #19: NIBLL Facility Visitors
All visitors to the NIBLL must wear designated clothing, face masks, gloves, headwear and
footwear when entering the food handling and processing areas.

  • ●  All visitors must have their temperature taken via forehead thermometer (visitors will
    watch sanitization of thermometers before and after each use).

  • ●  Visitors must answer these questions:

  • ●  Do you have a fever, cough, runny nose or trouble breathing?

  • ●  Have you been exposed to someone with the previous symptoms?

  • ●  Have you been in personal contact with anyone known to have the COVID-19 Virus?

  • ●  No exposed jewellery can be worn

  • ●  Hands must be washed thoroughly.

  • ●  No eating, drinking, smoking, chewing gum or tobacco, spitting, or using medication is


    NIBLL Catering Standard Operating Procedure and Food Handling Plan- Covid19
    Last Update 05/15/2020

  • ●  Anyone that has or shows symptoms of a disease or illness that can be transmitted
    through food, is not allowed inside the building

  • ●  Anyone with a cut or open wound must cover the area with waterproof protective
    bandages and gloves.

  • ●  Visitors must not wear white smocks outside processing areas.

  • ●  All visitors must be accompanied by an employee. This employee will ensure that visitors

    follow the company’s personnel practices program.

  • ●  Visitors must keep all production information confidential.IBLLIB